Courses Taught:
Oregon State University
ENGR 213 Strength of Materials, Winter term, 2022 (106 students)
ENGR 213 Strength of Materials, Spring term, 2022 (206 students)
CE 372 Geotechnical Engineering, Spring and Summer term, 2022
“You are the creator of your own destiny”
Mentoring Under Graduate Students:
Erick Moreno Rangel, Oregon State University, (2017-2020)
Rachael Gromen, Oregon State University, (Summer 2019)
Arren Padgett, Oregon State University, (Summer 2019)
Swami Vivekananda
Oregon State University, College of Engineering Class

Student Learning Evaluation Survey Rating, Oregon State University, College of Engineering Class (Rating 5.7/6)

Mentoring Undergraduate Students in their Geotechnical
Laboratory Class
Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Guwahati (2015-2017)

Oregon State University, College of Engineering Class
Student's feedback